This sweet potato dumplings is to DIE FOR - they have been our favorite dessert when we visit our family in Malaysia ever since I have memory. And of course, the best recipe always come from grandma right? :) 

Grandma once told me that this dessert is from Hainan island where her and Grandpa are originally from; however, I can't really find much information online about it. We as the Foo's descendants must learn how to make them so our children and grandchildren can also get to enjoy this delicious family recipe <3 Like all the other recipes from my grandma, the one way to know what's the "right amount" use of ingredients is through feeling it, and that feeling only comes from experience. Good luck =)

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I am never a techy kind of person, especially around virtual reality (VR). I always feel that the technology is still immature (also very uncomfortable for glasses people like me) and is something that's only going to be "hot" for a little while until the gamers lose interests and move on to the next big thing. After attending this symposium I have completely changed my perception towards VR and the impact it may be able to bring to this world, depending on how we utilize the technology. 

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Randy Pausch, one of the most inspirational figure to me, once said during his famous lecture, Achieving your Childhood Dreams: "Wait long enough and people will surprise and impress. When you're pissed off at someone and you're angry at them, you just haven't given them enough time. Just give them a little more time and they almost always will impress you." When I watched the lecture a few years ago, this quote didn't leave any mark in my brain at all. After a few years of "real life" working experience, I went back and watched the lecture again last year. The quote caught my attention then but it just didn't resonate with me - I even tried debating with him in my mind a few times (yup...). "There are some people who are just not worth the time." I thought. 

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Parsons Integrative Studio 1 - Week 1 Reflection

[Project submission for Integrative Studio 1 course]

  • How would you define success for this semester?
    1. To be proud of the final outcome for the semester-long project for Studio 1 class
    2. To be more confident personally than the start of the semester
    3. To attend as many events, panel and lectures hosted by the University and the city as possible
    4. To be persevere with going to a fitness class 3 times a week
    5. To secure a summer job before the end of the semester
    6. To complete a side project applying what I've learned at Parsons
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Design to Connect

Paper submission for the Strategic Design and Management in the New Economies course

Topic: What is the role of creative professionals in the New Economies?

Purpose: Integral to the MS-SDM degree is gaining a broad contextual knowledge of the 21st Century business environment and the changing role and agency of design in this context. Equally important is the application of specific tools for the identification of a field for intervention, the framing of a “problem space” and the systematic and iterative application of research and problem-solving-through-prototyping. These processes will ultimately be combined with  business modeling and the consideration of new forms of value amidst significant societal shifts. 

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